Ellie's Podcast Debut: The Adventures of Fire Kitty and Muffy
Muffy (the penguin) and Fire Kitty. The inspiration behind Ellie’s story.
A little something to brighten your day.
This summer we did a lot of listening to Circle Round, a kid’s story time podcast, put on by WBUR, Boston’s public radio station. At some point during the summer they invited listeners to share their own stories and if selected they’d include it in a Circle Round Fan Edition episode.
We asked Ellie if she’d be interested in sharing a story of her own and she was super into it (and Mike is always up for doing some recording… and adding in some guitar playing for background music). We submitted her story, not at all expecting to be selected, and were pleasantly surprised when we saw that they’d featured Ellie’s story, all about Fire Kitty and Muffy and their day at the beach.
The full podcast episode can be found here (Ellie’s part starts around 26:50). Or, you can listen to her story below (just Ellie’s part, not the whole podcast)!