Weekly Update: 12/17 - 12/23
At the start of a set of 5 strict presses at 75lbs. Made it through 2 full sets and then my shoulders said, “nope!”
This week felt like a heavy lift (hence the picture). I worked from home all week, which was lovely, but it also felt like a race against the clock, trying to get ev-er-y thing done by the end of Friday so I could take the following week to relax. By Friday evening I was at a point where I felt like I could take the week off and actually relax (instead of taking time off and stressing about all the things left undone). It took some readjusting and lowering of my expectations, but I feel good about it. I spent Monday on research, getting back into an old paper I hadn’t picked up in about a month. It was slow going (as it usually is when I haven’t touched something in a while), but I was immensely grateful of my past self for leaving very detailed notes (imagine that!) of what needed to be addressed. I also had the 2nd round of an article review come back in (as a reviewer). Although I technically had 2 weeks to work on it, with Christmas I just wanted to get it done. I considered telling them I needed an extension, but I decided to just get it off my plate this week. The remainder of the week was dedicated to course prep and trying to get the first week of my two classes ready to go. It’s a research methods class that I’m teaching in two different formats (a 4-session condensed format and a regular weekly format). I’ve taught both before, but seriously revamped my syllabus since the last time I taught it in it’s weekly format. It’s been a bit of a puzzle trying to figure out how to spread out the condensed format over the entire length of the term. Also, it’s the first time I’m teaching the weekly course online, which means lots of tweaking of what’s already there to fit my needs/syllabus. Anyway… course prep was what I lived and breathed this week (and also squeezed in 2 doctors appointments). Mike noted that it seems like course prep stresses me out, I’d agree. I’m thankful that both of the courses I’m teaching in spring are one’s that I taught last year.
Paper: My goal for this week was to identify where I left off (about a month ago) and come up with next steps (and start working on them if possible). Goal met? Yes. I needed to do some re-analyzing of data/updating tables/reinterpreting of findings, some of which I was able to get through when I worked on this on Monday.
Potential conference submission: My goal for this week was to review the submission guidelines and see if it’s something that would be worth submitting to. Goal met? Yup. It’s not a conference I’ve been to before, but it fits nicely in my area of interest and is in my hometown so I figured, why not? The application process looks pretty standard and I’ll likely be using at least some of the findings from the paper above in the submission, so I think it should be pretty straightforward.
Article review: My goal for this week was to do a 2nd round review of a journal article I previously reviewed. Goal met? Yes. Although I had 2 weeks (and could have requested an extension), I did not want this hanging over my head, so I just did it.
Course prep (x4): My goals for the week were to get both of my courses for next term to a point where all of the fundamental pieces are ready to go (e.g., syllabus, assignments, etc.), as well as have the first classes prepped. I also wanted to spend a minimum of 30 minutes prepping for my human development course for the spring. Goal met? Yes to the online course, everything is ready to go for the first week. For the face to face class, I just need to do a final review and lots of printing when I’m back on campus. I did not get to the human development class.
Advising: I have a number of things here that either I wasn’t able to get to or only got to in part. They will have to wait until the beginning of January.
service + admin
3rd year review: My goal for the week was to spend an hour updating my narrative/scholarly agenda. Goal met? Nope, in favor of course prep.
Planning: My goal for the week was to plan for the upcoming week (for just personal stuff). Goal met? Kind of? I have a list of things I want to do next week but I don’t have them mapped out onto specific days. I might (if I’m feeling ambitious) plan out when I want to do them later today. But I’m also just wanting to enjoy being off and not having to think about the structure of the week.
Meetings: None!
Workouts: Goal: 4 workouts Goal met: No… I got 2 in… might do something later today depending on how long Ellie naps. I did make it to olympic lifting this week, so there’s a win.
Toddler on the Tenure Track: Goal: Get 2 posts up on the blog. Goal met? Yes!
Meditation: Goal: 10 minutes every other day Goal met? Not this week. Meditation has been a struggle lately… just gotta keep on keepin’ on.
Budget: ✓Update December budget