Weekly Update: 11/4 - 11/10
A fall rainbow
When I first started writing these weekly reflections, Ellie was consistently napping each day, which proved to be a convenient time to review the past week, reflect a bit, and push publish on the post. Now a nap means she’ll be up until 10:30pm (at least), and still getting up around 7:00am, no thanks! We’ve been experimenting with no naps, which also means no easy mid-day pause, so I’m fitting these in during spare moments throughout the day or post-bed time… which is fine, it’s just another adjustment to a routine that was starting to feel good (which seems to be what parenting is all about, things start to get easier and then they change). Although today was a little bit out of the norm, we had a friend over for breakfast, which ended with him installing Linux on an old laptop of ours, and then me making sure all of the files I wanted were off of the computer before wiping Windows. Anyway… maybe next week won’t feel like a rush to get this in. But today it was a struggle.
One quick piece of learning I am taking away from this week is that alcohol is not my friend. Since my month focused on nutrition, I’ve been pretty consistent about not drinking, especially with the heart stuff that I’m still trying to get figured out. I had two drinks on Friday night and felt like I paid for it the rest of the weekend with feeling super drained and having low-grade anxiety… so that was fun! On a very sweet note, I told Ellie that I didn’t have to work on Monday because it was a holiday and she responded with, “I like holidays, mama.”
Here are my goals for the past week…
Paper 2: Goal(s): write discussion bullet points into a narrative, get info from a few additional relevant articles and pull out key pieces for the intro. Goal(s) met? Yes… although I’m beginning to feel like I’m endlessly adding more stuff to the intro, which usually means I need another check in with my collaborator. Going to try and get that on the calendar soon.
Funding application: Goal(s): write specific aim bullet points into a narrative, write bullet points for the rest of the application sections, find 5 pieces of info needed for the specific aims page, decide on funding announcement, create spreadsheet with intervention information, set up next collaborator meeting. Goal(s) met? Mostly. I didn’t end up locating sources for some of the info I needed for the specific aims page, although I think this activity might have been a bit premature, so it’s not a big deal that it’s not done.
Admin: Had a few administrative things that I wanted to get done across different projects. Goal(s): put together a list of flight options for my spring trip for the fellowship program, continue to save articles for full text review for the systematic review project. Goal(s) met? Yes… and flying across the country from PDX is kind of a pain.
Online stats course prep: Goal(s): add in some missing info to the syllabus, get a draft of content from weeks 2 through 4 into the online course shell. Goal(s) met? Yes, I actually got through week 8, so that’s exciting… granted I still have a bunch of videos to create, but it’s a start.
Lead instructor: Goal(s): check in with human dev instructors to see how the term is going now that we’re half way through. Goal(s) met? Yes.
service + admin
Planning: Goal(s): Plan for the upcoming week. Goal(s) met? Nope… with Monday being a holiday I was feeling quite resistant to planning this weekend.
meetings, appointments, + events
✓lead instructor meeting
✓research in progress meeting
✓faculty colloquium
✓faculty meeting
✓research/stats instructors meeting
✓dinner and breakfast with friends
Toddler on the Tenure Track: Goal(s): write and post weekly update, finalize November’s blog post. Goal(s) met? Yes.
plan(it)*: Goal(s): Update plan(it) info on the website, draft emails/stories post to get the word out. Goal(s) met? Yes.
Meditation: Goal(s): 10 minutes of meditation every day. Goal(s) met? Yes! 100 days is happening this upcoming week!
Budget: Goal(s): Update budget for the week. Goal(s) met? Yup.