Weekly Update: 3/11 - 3/17
My failed attempt at a pullover
Sunshine and blue skies have returned! Not sure how long they’ll be around so we’ve all been trying to soak up as much as possible while it’s here. There have been many trips to the park (see above) and working outside. I worked from home 4 out of 5 days this week, mainly trying to get grading done for one of my classes before the final assignments start pouring in for the second class. Grades are due on Tuesday of spring break and while I’ve already accepted the fact that I’ll be spending spring break prepping for spring courses, I’d prefer to be done with winter grades before spring break actually starts. One class down, one to go! Yet another reminder that the quarter system is exhausting, particularly during winter/spring terms, and particularly for new(er) faculty who are getting a handle on their courses. I’m holding onto the dream that maybe one day we’ll switch over to semesters (I was at Ohio State when they made the switch, so it is possible!). Did not get much (and by much I mean 99.9% of the things I wanted to do) done in the way of research this week… next week? Maybe…?
Paper 3: My goal for the week was to do some data management (creating a new variable). Goal met? No.
Paper 4: My goals for the week were to print out the paper so I could make edits without sitting in front of the computer and to spend a minimum of 30 minutes making edits/providing feedback. Goal met? Printed out the paper (ha… at least I got to check it off the old list!) but didn’t get around to actually doing anything with it.
Systematic review/interview project: My goals for the week were to finish searches from last week plus a few administrative tasks (emails and filling out a feedback for). Goal met? Got one of the admin tasks done but nothing else.
Course prep (condensed research course): My goals for the week were to review/provide feedback for their final assignment and post feedback for their article critiques. Goal met? Yes.
Course prep (online research course): My goals for the week were to create/finalize/upload an end of term wrap up video, post an update in the class announcements section, troubleshoot some tech issues, review/provide feedback for discussion posts, and review/provide feedback for 1 remaining study design assignment. Goal met? Yup.
Course prep (condensed stats course and online human dev course): My goal for the week was to do one piece of prep for each course. Goal met? Got some admin stuff done for the human dev course but not for the stats course.
service + admin
Planning: My goal for the week was to have my weekly list ready to go on Friday with Monday’s tasks picked out. Goal met? Yup.
Equity meeting: My goal for the week was to prep for the meeting and do any needed follow up afterwards. Goal met? Yup.
meetings, appointments, + events
✓office hours (x2)
✓online office hours
✓equity committee meeting
✓faculty meeting
Workouts: I’m really hot and cold with this. Had PT for some lower back pain I’ve been experiencing, which aggravated my back, which then really decreased my motivation for working out… so I did nothing (I guess you could count the attempted pullovers at the park though! Which didn’t really help with my back…!).
Toddler on the Tenure Track: Goal: Get 2 posts up on the blog. Goal met? Yup.
Meditation: Goal: 5 minutes every other day Goal met? Nope… I thought about it, which counts, right?!
Budget: ✓Update budget