Weekly Update: 3/25 - 3/31
picked up a barbell (twice!) this week for the first time in quite awhile.
Spring break was meh. My online class opened up on the Friday of spring break, which meant everything needed to be ready to go by then. I’ve taught the class before so this shouldn’t have been a big deal; however, I’ve also decided to ditch the textbook this term and do a decent amount of content revision. So, while I wasn’t starting from scratch, I did need to go through all of the readings, replace anything from the old book that was relevant with an article or other online resource, and then also had to get my videos ready for the first week. Sure, all this was self-imposed, I didn’t have to do it, but I think it focuses the course a bit more (which helps me out in the long run). I still have more stuff I’d like to do, but that will have to wait until next year. I did manage to get it done (in addition to prepping for my other course), but it also meant that I was on my computer from about 9:30 every morning until about 8:00 at night. Not fun for me, not fun for Mike, not fun for Ellie (who seemed extra needy this week).
I picked up a barbell again this week for the first time in quite awhile. My lower back has been bothering me and squatting seems to aggravate it. Pretty sure it’s due to sitting in front of a computer all day and my glutes saying, no thank you! After getting really tired of being at my desk all week, I decided I needed to move more and took my computer into the garage with me on Thursday, doing work in between sets. I went very light, only doing the bar (~33lbs) on Thursday and then adding 5 pounds on Saturday. Baby steps. Also, I don’t know if it’s the camera angle or if I was really that lopsided in this picture! Didn’t feel like it at the time!
Took the week off from everything except course prep and finishing up winter term.
Course prep (condensed research course): My goals for the week were to post feedback for their final assignment and.post final grades Goal met? Yes.
Course prep (online research course): My goal for the week was to post their final grades. Goal met? Yes.
Course prep (condensed stats course and online human dev course): My goal for the week was to get both of these courses ready to go for week 1 of the term. Goal met? 75% there. My online course is ready to go. I need to update/print final assignment instructions for my in person class next week and also finalize materials for the first class - things that can easily be done during the week.
service + admin
Took the week off from everything except course prep and finishing up winter term. I’ll plan on Monday!
meetings, appointments, + events
Nada, other than some fun socializing!
Workouts: I lifted twice! I’ve really got to make a point of getting some sort of movement in during my daily schedule as it makes a huge difference in how I feel physically and mentally.
Toddler on the Tenure Track: Goal: Get 2 posts up on the blog. Goal met? Yup.
Meditation: Goal: 5 minutes every other day Goal met? Got a couple in at the end of the week (maybe 3?)… also something that I makes a huge difference in how I feel!
Budget: ✓Update budget - yup, working on that March 2019 budget post!