Monthly Update: May 2020
May 2020: The general routine that I settled into
Just a quick note before you head into the blog post. Are you an academic who is trying to figure out your long term planning processes? My planning course, plan(it)*, can help support you as you figure that out. Check out the link for more info.
It's officially June and I'm simultaneously exhausted and energized. It's the end of the term, which means summer is so close. In this month's newsletter I shared a bit about the weekly rhythm that I've gotten into (see above image), how it's working for me, along with what an actual week looked like. Here are my main takeaways from this schedule...
If you're able, start your week with the things you're most excited about (i.e., research on Mondays)
Set very specific constraints around email
Find a rhythm that works for you, which may go against common productivity advice (and that is a-okay)
Now let's move into what I was working on during the month of May.
Paper 2: Spent time editing this paper earlier in the month. After deciding to submit a funding application (see below), I pushed pause on the paper and will pick back up in July (after the application is due).
Systematic review: Talked through our final of set articles and their main findings. Just like paper #2, I pushed pause on additional work on this until I submit the funding application.
Focus group data collection: Had a productive research in progress feedback meeting about this particular project, with lots of ideas for moving forward virtually. Also pushed pause on starting to move forward with new ideas in favor of the funding application. With my current course load, it’s difficult to juggle more than one main research project at a time (at least when I’m leading).
Funding applications: There were a couple opportunities that came my way during the month of May. One seemed to be a great fit and also happens to be due on my dad’s birthday, which felt like a nudge from the universe. Plus, I am actually starting to feel excited about it, which hasn’t happened in a while, at least for work related things. I spent time outlining all of the pieces that need to happen, as well as drafting the questions and methods. There’s an LOI due at the end of June and then if I’m invited to submit a full proposal it’ll be due in the fall.
Online stats and human development teaching: Currently in the last week of the term!!! With 2 classes of ~45 students, the bulk of my time went to teaching, grading/feedback, course management, emails, office hours… all the things that come with teaching online courses. Even though there’s just one entry under teaching, this was pretty much my main focus this term.
service + admin
Planning: Continuing my weekly planning routine with Friday afternoon work planning and Sunday afternoon/evening personal planning.
Toddler on the Tenure Track/plan(it)*: I got 1 content post up in May on brain dumps. I also switched gears with plan(it)* and am now offering it for free with options for paid 1:1 support.
Meditation: I made it to 138 days of meditation.
Health: Currently on week 8 of 5x5 strong lifts. I’ve also been doing lots of experimenting with the food I’m eating and have started taking probiotics again. Not sure if it’s a fluke, but I’m definitely noticing some improvement with the eczema on my eyes.
Budget: Continuing with weekly budgeting and have gotten June’s budget set up, which starts our summer budget and pulling from savings. With everything going on, plus a trip in our future for my dad’s service, and pausing student loan payments, we’re not really doing anything with debt payoff. Focusing instead on saving up for the trip, along with some necessary car maintenance.
Celebrations: Probably the most exciting part of this month was celebrating Ellie’s 4th birthday!!!
See you next month!