Posts tagged email
From 30,418 Emails to Inbox 0

As someone who has been described as "the most organized person I've ever met" by multiple people on separate occasions, you might be surprised to hear that my inbox is a bit of a mess. I have 3 main email addresses. My personal email, my email that's associated with this blog, and my work email. Though I've gone through big purges in the past with my work email, I haven't ever attempted to tackle the 30,000+ emails that have built up in my other inboxes. You might be wondering how I got to 30,000+ emails (or maybe you're wondering how I don't have more!). Here's a little bit of a back story…

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Productivity Tips I'm Currently Trying Out (April 2019)

Generally speaking, I try to pay attention to what’s working and what’s not working in terms of managing the overwhelm that often comes with this job (or any job). Paying attention to these strategies is a lovely first step, but then I actually have to keep doing the things that are working and/or figure out how to adjust whatever isn’t working. I’m good at the noticing part, not as good with the follow through (always a work in progress!). To remind myself to continue to do what’s working and adjust what isn’t, I thought I’d share where I’m at right now.

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