Posts tagged july 2019
July 2019 Budget

July is the first summer month with no paycheck of any sort, so we’re pulling entirely from savings (using the money I’ve been setting aside each month during the school year). We also got hit with a big car maintenance bill this month (~$700), so we drained our car maintenance fund (which was just over $500) and then dipped into the emergency fund to pay the rest of the bill. Oddly enough, I looked at our car maintenance bills from the previous year and we had a major bill (~$800) on the very same day last year… apparently we’re very consistent about our car repairs.

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July Monthly Update

My July monthly update is that, I’m not going to do monthly updates for the summer, ha!

Since I’m planning to do a year 3 goal review at the end of the summer, I felt like they’d be pretty similar to one another. Plus, I shared a number of updates in my movement/nutrition post (and will share a few more in my upcoming budget post next week). With 2 posts this week, I wasn’t up for a 3rd (in-depth) post! I’m working on running the blog and keeping it enjoyable… not letting it run me and feel like an obligation!

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